Product catalog
The first step in setting up your store is to create your product catalog. Your product catalog lists all of the products you sell on your site, product descriptions, prices and more. To setup your product catalog in QuickBizStores, login to your website and click the store tab. Then click the setup products link.
All the products in your product catalog are automatically added to your website and indexed for your product search. Customers can visit your website and browse your product catalog. When they are ready to purchase a product, they just need to either click the add to shopping cart button or the buy now button to start the checkout process.
Secure Shopping cart
Your secure shopping cart allows visitors to your website to purchase products from your store. Customers can add products to their shopping carts and then click the secure checkout button to purchase the products. The shopping cart totals the product, setups user accounts, calculates shipping and walks the customer through the purchase process.
Order processing
After an order has been made on your website, you will receive an email notification that an order has been submitted. You can then login to your website and click the orders link to manage your store orders. With the order manager you can set the order status, complete the order, cancel the order, print the order details and more.
Merchant accounts
To collect credit cards you need to have a merchant account. A merchant account is a special bank account that is setup to receive credit card payments.
Payment gateway
Your QuickBizStore uses your payment gateway to submit credit card information for realtime processing. When customers enter their credit card information, QuickBizStores securely submits the information to your gateway. The gateway will start the credit card transaction process. The gateway will either accept the payment or decline the credit card if it cannot be charged. The following is a list of some of the supported gateways.
- PayPal
- Google Checkout
- Echo
- EFT Secure
- eWay
- FastCharge
- First Data Global/Link Point
- Innovative Merchant Solutions
- PayPal Payments Pro
- PSiGate
- SecPay
- Verisign PayFlow Pro
- WorldPay
Advanced ecommerce features
QuickBizStores includes a complete set of advanced ecommerce features. To enable the advanced features, you simply need to login to your store, click the store tab and then click the feature link.
- Inventory control
- Downloadable products
- Upsell and related products
- Customized checkout form
- Coupon manager
- Gift certificates
- Shopping rewards
- E-commerce tracking
- Product reviews and comments